Hi There! This is Creation Chick! I just wanted to comment on something I heard on the conservative talk radio, recently. Umm . . I actually don't remember who it was . . but it was someone filling in for Rush on Tuesday, I think it was . . and he was talking about the need for the silent majority to fight back. . . . the way the liberals do that is . . no mercy . . no topic of discussion too low . . . no personal attack too sacred . . . nothing sacred AT ALL! Of course . . we won't lie and then cover up the fact that our lies were found out later like the liberals (and evolutionists) do, but we will not refrain from telling the world about the things that the liberals actually have done . . . after all they do not refrain from telling us what to do, right?
Well, someone actually did call into the station and tell him that we conservatives with moral values should not stoop to their level . . . and the radio guy and the guest chatted for some time about how really, the people of this country are never going to know how bad the liberals actually are . . unless somebody tells them, you know? Pretty much the radio show host said that we conservatives are just too afraid to fight back.
I have to say . . that I do agree with the talk show host. There are people constantly harassing me on my Youtube page . . and if I would say the same kind of argumentative and derogatory remarks back at them, it would be like I am becoming what I am fighting against. However, it is true that perhaps . . we need to fight back . . or they will continue to walk all over us. People in this country apparently can't see through the fact that a person uses manipulative and harassing tactics to get ahead anymore. We, as a nation and as people of this world . . no longer look at political debates in the way we once did. We no longer look at personal character traits in the way we once did either. Before, when this country and much of the western world held to Judeo-Christian beliefs, we as a people of earth had a way of dignity and respect of others that translated even to the way that we viewed other non-Christians. Yes, of course there are religious groups that had pronounced themselves to be Christian such as in the Crusades . . that people misunderstand as being actual Christian ideas . . as if Christianity is some sort of conspiracy made by people rather than a personal individual connection that each Christian has with Jesus Christ. I mean, seriously . . what do people think . . that we have some underground connection that we all discuss how we are going to elaborately make this crazy scheme to make it seem as there is a God . . when there really isn't? This doesn't even make sense to me . . I mean . . what better reason would there be to be a Christian than . . Christianity actually being true?! So Liberals actually believe that Christianity, God, Salvation through Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit entering the heart of every Christian and the Spiritual Gifts, as well as angels and all that . . IT'S ALL JUST ELABORATE SCAM? Wow! That's got to be some determination that we have . . especially since many Christians are martyred physically or sometimes politically or socially because they are Christians. Anyway . . I don't know if that made sense . . but I just had to get that out . . . Anyway . . what I'm saying is that it's just crazy in my opinion to think that God doesn't exist and that we made it up. But, I guess that's why atheist believe that all religious people are psychologically messed up and that Christianity is just one more mental disease that people have. In some ways . . they may be right .. Perhaps being religious is some kind of disease in some cases . . but not having true faith . . no faith is different than religion . . and faith is not a disease . . . Faith is taking a chance to believe in something greater than yourself . . Faith is a something that takes bravery, courageousness, humility . . and being able to face the possibility that something you do not understand could be true.
I remember that when my grandfather was a missionary in China . . it was very important for him not to do anything offensive inside a Buddhist temple . . short of actually bowing or before Buddha that is because that would go against his Christian faith . . but there were certain things that were not supposed to be done in a Buddhist temple and my grampa could have been like "oh Buddha doesn't exist so it's okay if I treat these people anyway I want" . . but he didn't because he respected their beliefs. I really think that is something maybe some Christians growing up in America have been missing, but I think that it is something that we have had to learn is important after we have seen ourselves how difficult it is to be dismissed just because of others' prejudices against our Christian beliefs. I believe that maybe there is a reason that American Christians have gone through a surge of anti-Christianity . . Heaven help us . . if we do not swing back to the right soon, but . . seriously . . we need to start looking for the good in everything. The Bible says that all things work for good to those who love Him and follow His commands. So . . even though there may be a reason that God is trying to teach a lesson to those who do not know Him here in America, I also believe that we must look for a reason that we Christians are going through this as well. After all . . a majority of people in the United States call themselves Christians . . and even if the faith might not be totally genuine in everyone, the fact that the majority believes themselves to be Christian . . demonstrates the fact that the majority of people here . . really believe that it is important to have Christian morals in this country.
Personally I believe that the problem is that 1. Christians in America have really no depth to their faith, and 2. We are too afraid to stand up for our faith. I believe that these two aspects of Christian faith combines . . make what we call . . the "silent majority" here in America . . which is a very strange situation. The majority of people in America are too afraid to stand up for what they believe . . so the main holding of power bounces from one zealous group to the next. And then we sit around and complain about how unfair the whole thing is . . of course in secret . . not out loud . . because if we did then the problem . . in my opinion would disappear . . which is of course why I've decided to blog out loud my ideas on the internet . . . . the only downside I can foresee . . could be that I get either get harassed off the internet . . by people who don't even care about getting to the truth . . but do care about suppressing other's viewpoints.
So . . what I'm saying is . . we Christians should realize that it hurts really bad to be wrongfully suppressed, to be made fun of for no fault of our own, to be treated shamefully in society, to be fired just for being a Christian, to have our religion actually laughed at on talk shows and national TVs, do have the name of Jesus rejected by people and laughed at an made fun of . . It's horrible . . I know that people say that we Christians in America are not going through as much as in other countries, but still . . you have to admit . . that how things are in America is very bad right now . . is horrible for Christians and . . for non-Christians as well . . because without the truth to guide us . . our whole country is becoming warped.
It's true . . we may be heading for socialism soon with the Obama Administration and everything that is going on with the direction this country is headed it . . However . . if we do make it out of this . . I believe that we as Americans need to stand up for our beliefs . .be firm . . but never again should we take our influence on this nation's valued for granted again . . we should never again force Christian ideals on people without actually working on saving their actual souls and caring about respecting them as people . . . but NEVER should we disrespect Jesus Christ again . . by being too cowardice to stand up for our Lord, our God, and our Savior, Jesus Christ!
So . . all in all . . whether we inadvertently hurt people by speaking the truth . . the important lesson is that we should never deviate from the scriptures again . . the foundation of our faith . . We need to come TOGETHER . . no matter what out specific differences of opinion within Judeo-Christian believers in America . . and within Christianity itself in America . . and within conservatives in America . . and within the difference of opinions on HOW we get that message through to liberals . . whether it is head to head no mercy debating tactics . . or whether it is leading by example by NOT stooping to their level.
I'm not sure where America is headed . . but one thing is true . . we have never needed to count on our Heavenly Father any more than this hour.
I say . . give me that old time religion . . if it was good enough for our forefathers, then it's good enough for me!
God Bless You All,
- Creation Chick
Wish you were here
2 weeks ago